
What is the cost of a life?

I’ve heard and read that we find our lives when we lose it. But then again, how do we lose this life and find it while still living? Simple. Because there are more ways to lose a life than mortal death itself.

We lose our lives when we place higher values on the welfare, thoughts, conditions and total being of another over ourselves. War, strife, coup, greed and the unlawful desire of domination over fellow men are all results of disregarding the value of the lives affected or worse, disregarding even their humanity.

Let’s begin to look at our fellow man in the eyes of his entirety and not through the eyes of how we measure alongside him. Let’s accept our fellow man as a person. May our wars be converted to battles of love, our strife to striving for unity, our coups to cooperation, our greed to generosity and our unlawful desires to respect for human rights.

If we can achieve this in our homes, schools, offices, religious places and communities, then we would be aiding the struggle for peace. Before making peace with foreigners, strive for peace among your own locals. And above all forms of peace is inner peace -a state of mind which even money does not automatically give.

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